Supporting your child’s Special Educational Needs
Individual needs are catered for as well as resources allow. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that children will be helped to progress at the rate which is right for them. The school’s SENCO is Mrs K Walsh. Her email address is: senco@oaklodge.mslt.org.uk
Following the regulations laid down in the Special Educational Needs and disability code of practice : 0 to 25 years (2014), before special educational provision is made, the Head of Inclusion and class teacher will consider all the information from within the school about the pupil’s progress, alongside national data and expectations of progress and in consultation with parents. The Bromley Banded Funding Guide is used to aid identification of need within the four categories identified by the Code of Practice 2014 (cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social emotional and mental health and sensory difficulties) with additional guidance for autism and specific learning difficulties. This can also be used to identify appropriate strategies to meet need. The Head of Inclusion may offer advice about effective teaching and learning strategies and interventions that may help to narrow the gap or accelerate progress. General advice from outside specialists may be sought. Teachers and/or teaching assistants support children’s learning throughout the school, within class, in small groups and individually, dependent on the needs of every child.
If, despite support, children fail to make expected levels of progress or are unable to transfer their learning when the support is reduced, the decision may be made to place children on the SEN register, in formal consultation with parents. Where longer term support is required or children have a diagnosis of need from an outside professional, parents will be formally informed that the child has been placed on the SEN register. The Head of Inclusion, in consultation with the class/subject teacher, pupil and parents will draw up a support agreement which will note down the needs of the child, the Pupil Support Agreement.
Please click the link below for details of our Special Educational Needs Information Report: