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Achieving Excellence for Every Child, Every Day.

Respectful. Resilient. Resourceful.


Members of the Governing Body:

Mr James Ashforth - Chair of Governors


My name is James Ashforth, and I am a local governor at Oak Lodge. I have two sons, one a current Oak Lodge pupil and one who will join when he reaches reception age. I am passionate about supporting the strategic direction of the school and giving an external viewpoint, with safeguarding as my specific role on the local governing body. I am currently the Group Head of e-Commerce for A.S Watson Group, which is the worlds largest international Health & Beauty retailer (brands in the UK include Superdrug, Savers and The Perfume Shop). The strategic nature of the role allows me to apply many aspects of it to my role as a local governor at Oak Lodge. I was lucky to have a varied education with a BSc in Geography from Reading University, I now live with my family in West Wickham.


Mr G Tysall - Local Governor - Vice Chair


Mrs G Turner - Parent Governor


Mrs C Weedon - Parent Governor


Mr Tom Burrill - Local Governor

I am Tom Burrill and I have two children at Oak Lodge Primary School. I am an independent Financial Adviser and, as a governor of Oak Lodge, help out with the school sports facilities and budget. I love most sports, particularly rugby in the winter and tennis and cricket in the summer.


Miss A Loveless - Staff Governor


Mrs D Lowton - Head Teacher


Contacting the School Governors:

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors or another member of the Local Governing Body, please address your correspondence to Elaine Cooper, Head of Governance, at or alternatively, through the school office

Governing Body Minutes

Copies of Local Governing Body minutes can be requested through the Oak Lodge School Office.

Oak Lodge Primary School
Chamberlain Crescent
West Wickham
Kent, BR4 0LJ


Oak Lodge Primary School - Register of Business Interests 2024-25

Name Role Appointed by Date of Appointment Term of Appointment Declared Business Interests Nature of Business Nature of Interest Unremunerated activities related to those of Mosaic Schools Learning Trust Family Interests
Mr J Ashforth LGB Member Chair

Co-opted by Compass Academy Trust Directors


15/10/2021 14/10/2025 AS Watson (Health & Beauty UK) Ltd Retail Employee n/a n/a
Mrs A Loveless LGB Member Staff 15/10/2021 14/10/2025 Compass Academy Trust


Employee n/a n/a
Mr T Burrill LGB Member

Co-opted by Compass Academy Trust Directors


15/10/2021 14/10/2025 LIA Wealth Advisors LTd Financial None None n/a
Mr G Tysall LGB Member LGB 01/09/2023 31/08/2027 Impact Multi Academy Trust Education Employee n/a n/a
Mrs C Weedon LGB Member Parents 05/12/2023 04/12/2027 Harris Academy Education Employee

Staff Governor- Harris Primary Academy Beckenham Green

Section Leader- 8th West Wickham Scouts

Mrs G Turner LGB Member Parents 05/12/2023 04/12/2027 H S Walsh & Sons Ltd Retail Employee n/a n/a
Mrs D Lowton Headteacher       Compass Academy Trust Education Employee Pixl Letts Education

Husband works at Oak Lodge as p/t teacher and supply teacher for the Trust

Governors who have left the LGB in the last 12 months

Name Role Date of Resignation
Mrs H O’Sullivan LGB Member 07/02/2024

 Local Governing Body Meeting Register of Attendance 2023-24

Name Possible Attendance Apologies Ratio(%)
Mr J Ashforth 5 5 0 100
Mr G Tysall 5 4 1 80
Mrs H Sullivan 3 3 0 100
Mr T Burrill 5 5 0 100
Mrs A Loveless 5 5 0 100
Mrs C Weedon 3 3 0 100
Mrs G Turner 3 3 0 100
Mrs D Lowton 5 5 0 100
 Local Governing Body Terms of Office September 2024
Mr J Ashforth LGB Member- Chair 15.10.2021-14.10.2025
Mr G Tysall LGB Member- Vice Chair 01.09.2023-31.08.2027
Mrs C Weedon LGB Member (Parent) 05.12.2023-04.12.2027
Mrs G Turner LGB Member (Parent) 05.12.2023-04.12.2027
Mrs A Loveless LGB Member (Staff) 15.10.2021-14.10.2025
Mr T Burrill LGB Member  15.10.2021-14.10.2025
Mrs D Lowton Headteacher